Innate Index

About the InnateIndex

In the last few years, the views of many personality psychologists have converged regarding the concepts of personality. During the past decade, an impressive body of literature has accumulated which provides compelling evidence for a 5-factor model of personality across different theoretical frameworks and using different instruments.

Development of the Innate Index

The development and validation of this new five factor personality inventory followed several steps including:
1) Item pool creation and refinement;
2) Administration to a sampling of working adults for statistical analysis to establish scale reliability and factor structure; and
3) Refinement and validation against one of the most widely used and tested FFM tools (NEO).

The Innate Index has been adminstered to over 750 adults (44% male and 56% female) in diverse industries and settings. The scales show adequate internal consisency reliability (Cronbach's alpha) ranging from .73 t0 .87. Concurrent validation using the NEO demonstrated moderate to moderately high correlations with the Innate Index scales and similar conceptualizations of this popular five factor personality inventory (correlations ranged from .32 to .78, all p's < .05).